Saturday, March 15, 2008

Beware the Ides of March

It's been a busy week or so. The sale was a great experience. I enjoyed meeting the other women that I only know from their emails. It was a lot of work, we had to set up the entire gym with racks and display tables, then as sellers brought their stuff, set it all out. I was in charge of the girl's clothing section, which is right up my alley. The weather impacted us adversely, and I only have Mary to blame for that. She decided earlier that week she would fly down for the weekend, arriving Sat night and staying until Tues. By Friday night we had tornado warnings, and on Saturday it snowed. After spending hours in Newark airport, she finally packed it in when they told her the flight might leave at 10pm. I don't know for sure how many times this has happened to her when she tries to come to Atlanta in Feb or March, but we now know she is officially jinxed.

My net sales were $489.00. I will definitely be selling again in August. Come on down then, Mare, I doubt it will snow...but maybe a hurricane?

Speaking of weather, we have had our share of it lately. Last night a tornado ripped through downtown, and caused widespread damage. The CNN center, Georgia Dome and other buildings were affected. Lots of glass and debris flying about, and the SEC tournament had to be moved to GA Tech, which holds about 20 thousand less people than the Dome. I heard on the news that the damage to homes and businesses is at the 200 million dollar mark. Today we were under a tornado watch for most of the day. We had really strong rain and wind, and about 4 pm a hailstorm came through. I really did think the windows were going to break, it was coming down sideways and the noise was deafening. Michael and Emily slept thru it, and Sophie was at Noah's, where they didn't even get any hail, just lost power for 3 hours. Here are some pictures:

Oddly enough, as soon as the storm passed, the sun immediately came out, and it was calm and beautiful. It even smelled nice, from all the broken pine branches.
I would say the hail was between penny and nickel size.

In other news Sophie had her long awaited Kindergarden/1st grade Music Performance the night before the set up of the sale. I was impressed with their music teacher, he kept 280 six and seven year olds focused and singing for about 20 minutes. Here she is with her buddies Michelle and Matthew.

Michael and Emily continue to amuse. Yesterday they both needed the bathroom at the same time, and of course, neither one wants the little potty, they both want the "big doilet" as Emily calls it. I compromised by dragging the little potty into the bathroom, Emily sat on that while Michael got the primo seat. I can't quite bring myself to make a video of the fun that ensues and the conversation between them as they sit there. This is what they were doing as I cleaned up the bathroom, and myself, afterwards.


StephB said...

I'm so impressed with your potty progress. We just aren't there yet. SIGH

That video is awesome. It's nice to hear all of your voices. : )

Anonymous said...

the video is hysterical, what is the purpose of donning the glove before using the stethescope? Mary

Dorothy Gould said...

I do not know where they came up with the glove idea, makes you kind of wonder, doesn't it? our pediatrician doesn't use them, but maybe the shot nurse does. it is funny though.