Saturday, April 01, 2006

Falling Out of the Gap

Today I had a chance to go shopping for a few hours. I thought it would be fun, a chance to update my wardrobe and have some "me" time. I even vowed not to look at children's clothes, which as any mother can tell you, is usually where you end up, even when they don't need a thing. I discovered a few things today.......The Gap is really not the place to look for jeans when you are 5 ms postpartum with babies 2 and 3. Neither is Old Navy. Maybe it's the weight that hasn't come off yet, maybe it's the fact that I just turned 40. I don't know that I have ever spent two hours trying on and not finding a single thing that fit. And I am sorry, but I refuse to go up more than one size from my prepregnancy size.

So, it was on to Kohl's, where I managed to find lots of pants, not as trendy as the Gap or Old Navy, but cute and well fitting none the less. This shopping trip made me even more anxious to get back to the Y, only 27 more days and the babies will be 6 ms old, and can start going in the nursery at the Y. And I will be able to start exercising for the first time in over a year. Then maybe I will have to take another look at the Gap's selection.......

1 comment:

StephB said...

Ha! We are on the same schedule as I am off to shop for pants today.

Good luck at the Y. I am totally jealous of your working out!