Saturday, October 13, 2007

Soph's Big News

Last week Sophie lost her first tooth. Both of her center bottom ones were loose, but the one she lost was not quite as loose as the other. She happened to hit her chin on the coffee table while dancing, and I saw something fly out of her mouth. She was stunned, and I asked if that was her tooth. She picked it up and realized that it was, and that her mouth was bleeding. Waterworks ensued. I guess I hadn't explained that when you lose a tooth, it bleeds. Oops. Plus, it hurt, as it was literally knocked out. We got a cold wet washcloth, which seemed to help until she pulled it away to look at "all the blood" on it. I distracted her with the tooth pillow that Terry had picked up several months ago, and all was well.

However, now the other tooth is hanging on by a thread, and really, it gives me the willies to look at it. We (me, Terry, Grandma Maier, Mrs. Martin) have all tried to convince her to either let us pull it out, or take it out herself, but no go. I am surprised it has made it this long. I guess when it bothers her enough she will do something about it.

Her favorite part of the tooth fairy's visit was the note she left with her picture. (You can find anything on Clip Art. I wanted to post the note, but I can't figure out how to get a Word document to post to Blogger.) Sophie didn't notice the one dollar coin or the new book, just came running in to tell me that the tooth fairy was ADORABLE. And did I think she used our computer to type that note, or does she have her own. Their belief at this age is just priceless.
Here's a short video of the hanging tooth, and her latest skill, jumping rope.


kathleen said...

She looks so cute!! Her loose tooth gives me the willies. I am so impressed at her jumping rope. So great for a six year old!!!

StephB said...

Lovely photos. : )

Yes, we go to the 9am. I think a lot of our friends/neighbors go to the later one too.