Monday, October 30, 2006

Aunt Joan and Miss Ruth

I was recently chastised about my lack of pictures of Aunt Joan on my blog. Of course, I would like to rectify this omission ASAP! And, while I am at it, I am throwing in a photo of Miss Ruth as well. Both are dear friends who also happen to love my kids, which is a great thing for all of us. Joan and Ruth came to Sophie's birthday dinner, and fun was had by all. Our friendships go back years....I have know Joan since I was in college, and Ruth and I were roomies in the early 90's....good times!

Sophie models her birthday boots from Aunt Joan

Lemon Meringue, Sophie and Miss Ruth


Aunt Joan said...

Wow I made the blog!!! Thanks for always sharing your beautiful children with those of us who don't have our own....what a blessing the are. Love to you all. Aunt Joan

Aunt Joan said...

Wow I made the blog!!! Thanks for always sharing your beautiful children with those of us who don't have our own....what a blessing they are. Love to you all. Aunt Joan