Sunday, October 08, 2006

Budding Artists

Sophie and Noah usually spend at least a couple of afternoons together each week. You would think after being together for 3-4 hours at school, they would bore easily. Not so. Put them together with some construction paper, markers, crayons and the all important tape and what do you get.......

Yes, that is bread and juice they are having for a snack. Sophie asked me for " a piece of bread please Mommy, nothing on it and not toasted, just plain." Of course, Noah was intrigued by this delicacy and had some too. It inspired him to create the bunny mask shown in the second photo. Trust me, he did it all by himself, the drawing, coloring, cutting out, and even the taping on of said mask. He is very creative and a talented artist as well. I know he is only about to turn 5, but his drawings actually look like what he says they are. For example, he draws a giraffe, I know immediately it is a giraffe. Any of the animals I attempt pretty much look the same. Sophie will say, "Oh, is that a dog Mommy? Or a pig, I can't tell."

On Friday I went all out and set up the easel in the basement so they could paint with the "real paints". Noah made a picture of all of the characters from Handy Manny. His next picture was all the characters from Winnie the Pooh. Sophie's side? Well, she painted some very colorful blobs. A chip off the old block. But the hilarious thing is, they each act like the other has just painted a masterpiece. An important part of sharing the easel is being able to hop over to the other side and lavish praise: "Wow Noah, I really like that, that is so cool!" "Sophie, your colors are so nice" It loses something in the translation, their enthusiasm for each other is really heartfelt and so genuine, I can't help but smile when I hear it.


Sharon said...

Noah with the tape is hilarious. I love that kids have fun with whatever they have.

StephB said...

I love hearing about the joys of Sophie and Noah. So cute. : )