Sunday, February 11, 2007

Mommy got a new pair of shoes

I feel like I have made a big leap last week toward my goal of more consistent exercise. On Wednesday I bought a new pair of running shoes. Not that I will be running anytime soon, but I hope to get back into more regular walking, both in the neighborhood and on the treadmill. I also hope to move up to the eliptical machine at the Y, plus add in some upper body workouts as well. I went to Big Peach Running Co. to get shoes, and could not have been more pleased with their service. They took a video of my gait as I walked on their treadmill. It turns out that I am pretty neutral, no overpronation or anything of the sort. The saleslady was very helpful, I think I tried on shoes for 45 minutes before deciding on a pair. She showed me a neat lacing trick that solved the problem I always have of shoes sliding off my narrow heel. And she was very encouraging as well, telling me that soon I would be running again...I hope!

So after all this, I took Sophie to school on Friday, then Michael and Emily and I headed over to the Y. Michael was less than thrilled about going in the nursery, and one woman carried him the whole time. I forgot to tell her that he likes to chew on a cloth diaper when he is upset, it is like a pacifier for him. I knew I couldn't have a long workout, so I did 20 minutes on the treadmill, then about another 20 minutes on the machines. I felt good afterward, and didn't overdo it. Michael was very happy to get out of the nursery; he actually burst into tears when he saw me. But then we ate lunch with Miss Kathleen when she was done with her boot camp classs and Samuel, who had been in the nursery as well. Nothing like a little yogurt and crackers to make you feel better. As soon as we got home they both crashed, so I think it was a successful first venture back into the world of fitness. I am committed to making it more of a habit.

My only concern is that my right foot/heel is giving me a lot of shooting pain. I had plantar fasciitis when Sophie was about 6 months old, and this feels like a flare up. If it doesn't subside this week, I will have it checked out. It actually started several weeks ago, but is getting more intense, with the greatest pain the first step out of bed in the morning. The orthotics I was prescribed at that time will no longer work, as my foot grew another half size during my last pregnancy. Maybe the treatment for it will have improved, and this time I won't have to wear the boot that flexes the foot at night.


StephB said...

Way to go Dorothy! : )

Good for you to get to the gym. Big Peach has special PF socks that you can buy. They are on the wall past the checkout stand before you get to the actual shoes (above the blue rocking stretch things).

Elizabeth said...

That is awesome! You go girl! Hope your foot gets feeling better.