Friday, February 02, 2007

15 Months

Michael and Emily had their 15 month checkup yesterday. Here they are on the way to the pediatrician's office:

Both are doing well. They are small for their age, but Dr Harrison was not concerned. Each of them have gained weight and grown since our last visit. He did suggest I cut down on the amount of milk they drink each day. They need less than what I have been giving them. This was good news, as I am REALLY ready to be done with bottles. Tonight we will dispense with the bedtime bottles, and try milk in a cup with dinner.

Here are the stats:

Emily: 30 inches and 19.9 lbs. Head circumference is 47. She is in the 30th percentile for height, the 8-10th percentile for weight, and the 50th percentile for her head.

Michael: 31 inches and 20 lbs. Head circumerence is 47. He is in the 45th percentile for height, and the 5th percentile for weight. Also 50th percentile for head.

Both of them are talking up a storm. Emily says Mama, Dada, Uh-oh, "fffffttt" for the sound a dog makes and "ooh ooh ahh ahh" for the sound a monkey makes. Michael says Mama, Dada and is trying hard to say uh oh. Babbling is very big with them right now. They both really like books and will help each other dump out the basket, then sit down and "read" for up to 30 minutes at a stretch. They both have their favorites, and will bring them when asked to do so.

They are starting to use a spoon to feed themselves, which is quite funny. They are both good about getting the spoon in their mouths, but sometimes the food has fallen off by the time it gets there. When I feed them, each of us has a spoon. Mine is so they actually get food in them, and theirs is to practice. To get the job done, they usually revert back to their hands.

This is a very fun age; there is not a lot of disagreement between them, they are curious and engaging with each other and everyone they meet. If tempers do flare, they are still easily distracted, which is nice. And they don't talk back yet, which is so refreshing! The trip to the drs. and the ensuing 3 shots per child did wear them out. We weren't even out of the parking garage before Emily fell asleep, Michael followed soon after. It was a quiet trip home!


Dorothy Gould said...

Peg, And now they are climbing up the stairs by themselves, another back saver! Oh the life of an older mother......

I think I just proved to myself they could care less about a bedtime bottle, they had a cup with milk at dinner, and that seemed to do the trick, they went off to sleep with nary a sound. So now I am down to one bottle a day each, yipee!

StephB said...

I forgot there was supposed to be a fifteen month checkup. Oops.