Saturday, February 24, 2007

Today's the Day.....

that we get our act together and clean out the garage. Exciting, huh? It is if you have a garage like ours, overrun with double strollers, tricycles, walkers, you name it, it's in there. Sophie is spending the weekend in Peachtree City with Grandma and Grandpa Gould, Great Grandma Yoko and Dave (their dog). She has been looking forward to it all week because as she told Terry and I numerous times: "Grandma Gould makes the best breakfasts...they are scrumptious!" After some prodding, it was revealed that this scrumptious breakfast consists of the little boxes of cereal from the variety pack, her favorite being Lucky Charms. Another favorite that Grandma keeps on hand: Bugles, or Fugles as she calls them. And of course, the golf cart rides to the playground and pond are another favorite.

So, we are taking advantage of Michael and Emily's one long nap, to get in some uninterrupted cleaning time. I hope to have some before and after shots posted later today.

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