Thursday, January 03, 2008

Further Proof

I found this article from the NY Times very interesting.

What stuck me first was the statement "Getting organized is unquestionably good for both mind and body — reducing risks for falls, helping eliminate germs and making it easier to find things like medicine and exercise gear."

This is so true, and I am reminded of it every time I spent precious minutes searching...for the Children's Motrin, for that other sneaker, for the coupon I knew I had, that paper that needs to be signed for goes on and on.

It affects the kids as well. Last night I sorted through the books in the family room, got rid of about 10 that were torn, missing pages etc. Then I sorted them back into their baskets by size. Michael and Emily spent about an hour this morning just looking at books. Because the books were organized, they found them more appealing. Another bonus, when they were done, they placed them back into the basket. I think just like adults, a cluttered area makes them less likely to focus.

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