Thursday, January 31, 2008

Cleanup on Aisle 9

Last night Emily was up a lot. From about midnight I would hear her plaintive cry about every 20 minutes or so. It was not a sustained cry, more of a crying out and then silence, so I thought maybe she lost her paci. After about an hour of this she did start calling out for me, and when I went to get her, she was burning up. Gave her some ibuprofen, rocked for awhile, and she finally slept the rest of the night. Michael, however pulled his "let me wake up at 4:55 and make Mom come down here for 15 minutes to calm me down" trick that he is so fond of. Then Sophie came in to wake me up at 6:15, after I had hit my snooze button at least twice.

Emily did not go to school today, but after dropping Michael off, she and I ran into Wal-Mart for diapers. She was doing ok, hadn't eaten anything for breakfast, just wanted her juice. We had been in the store about 15 minutes because, let's face it: Who can go into Wal-Mart and only get what you came for? Once there I realized we needed bannanas, Danimals, peanut butter and jelly, you get the idea. As I wheeled the cart onto aisle 9, she looked up and me, made a face, and proceeded to throw up. I must have jumped and shouted in surprise, because several employees came running. They were quick to bring us some paper towels (of course I didn't bring the diaper bag in with me) We quickly finished getting what we needed and headed home. She seemed better after that, even asking for raisins in the car. She ate those and a rice cake, and had a nice time playing tea party until it was time to pick up Michael.

She's still running a temp, even got up to 102.3, so now I am dosing her with both Tylenol and Motrin. I will give her the next Motrin dose before I go to bed in just a few minutes. Hoping she's feeling better tomorrow, and this doesn't move on to her brother and sister.

1 comment:

StephB said...

Oh dear, I'm sorry. Hope Emily is feeling better today. I'll bet the fever gave her the tummy problems.