Wednesday, March 01, 2006

The Big Cheese

Yesterday Sophie had a birthday party to attend at Chuck E. Cheese. It is a running joke between my mom friends that Sophie is 4 years old, and we had still never taken her there. Since the arrival of Michael and Emily, she has gone with other families, but I had still managed to dodge the bullet. So yesterday was the big day. With Terry's help I left the house at 10:45 am with all three children, and the twins freshly bathed. Believe me, that is no small feat for one morning!

I have to say, I was pleasantly surprised. Yes, there is too much loud music and many blaring TV screens showing Chuck E. singing and dancing, but seeing Sophie enjoy herself was worth it. Her favorite part was when Chuck E himself made a visit to our table to sing Happy Birthday to Leanne. Sophie immediately turned to me and said "Mommy, can I go hug him?" A far cry from the days when she screamed at the thought of sitting on Santa's lap. We all got tokens to spend and she had so much fun using them for the little rides and games. For those of you not familiar with the system, you earn tickets each time you play the games, and these can be cashed in for a "prize. Sophie earned 137 tickets and she cashed it in for a candy eyeball, the most disgusting candy treat available. Michael and Emily had a great time as well; they slept through the whole thing. I told Terry it would be worth it to go again (during the week only however, I hear weekends are bedlam) just to see Sophie attempt skee ball, it was quite a sight!


Elizabeth said...

You are a BRAVE, BRAVE woman. Heyward is 9 and we have never been to Chuck E. Cheeses. Well, that could be because there is not one within 100+ miles of us. We went into one in Macon a few years ago, but turned and ran in a panicked sweat! Hee hee! Glad the twins slept through it. I know that helped!

Sharon said...

I'm glad Sophie enjoyed the party. It is fun watching them play skee ball. During the week, is the way to go!!