Sunday, March 12, 2006

Rollie Pollie Emily

Today Emily rolled over for the first time, pretty amazing since she is so tiny still. I know you are not supposed to compare your children, but I had to check Sophie's baby book, and Emily has her beat by a full month. (Maybe Emily spends more time on the floor than her big sis ever did??) She is such a determined little thing, tonight she had no interest in eating, just wanted to get back down on the floor and practice the roll. Of course, she is not happy once she finally is on her stomach, with her arm caught beneath her. I was feeding Michael at the time, and had to keep interrupting him to flip her back over. He seems to sense she has surpassed him in this skill, and is not far behind. When they are side by side on the floor, it is really funny to see them working at it.

1 comment:

StephB said...

Hooray for the rolling! Dagny is showing no interest at all.

Those hats that Mary sent are so adorable!