Thursday, March 16, 2006

Who says we aren't mobile??

Today was a jam packed day for us. The twins came with me to Sophie's dance/gym class, then we went to lunch with the dance girls and their mothers, and assorted siblings. At one table: 4 mothers, four 4- year old girls in full dance attire, two 2- year old boys, my twins in their stroller, and another set of boy/boy twins who are 19 ms. old. A gentleman walked by and commented "Is this the kids area?" We told him yes, and gave him advice to sit as far from us as possible. Actually, the kids did great, and we were only at El Toro, nothing fancy. Since we go there almost every Thurs after dance, they know the routine.....get a page to color, drink lemonade, and wait patiently for their cheese quesedilla while eating chips as fast as possible.

After lunch we raced home to find my mother waiting patiently in our driveway...oops! She was there to help me take the twins for their last RSV antibody injection. So after unloading everyone, feeding Emily and letting Michael play on the floor, we were all back in the car to the pulmonologist. The visit went fine, as usual Emily barely cringed at her shot, she is amazing, no tears or crying. But Michael makes up for it....full blown cresendo cry, complete with beet red face. Sophie's only concern was that the nurse knew that she DIDN'T need a shot today, and informed her of that as she walked in our exam room. Sophie enjoyed the visit, she got to see her sibs get shots, plus scored a tongue depressor and a pair of exam glove to take home, what a banner day!


StephB said...

Whew! You will need a nap after all of that!

Sharon said...

That lunch was fun. I was amazed at how well it went. No major crying fit from anyone. Love your blog. I'm not doing such a great job.